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Ngôn ngữ: Chưa xác định
Gửi bởi hảo liễu ngày 21/01/2018 00:47
Poetic art (tiếng Anh)
What the poem was saying, I’ve forgotten
I had known what the poem was saying, but I’ve forgotten
The poem was saying this, but this that the poem was saying, I’ve forgotten
That the poem was saying this, is this what the poem was saying? If that’s what the poem was saying, I’ve forgotten
Perhaps, without knowing what the poem was saying, as I was saying the poem, (in the moment I stated the poem), I had already forgotten
Yet, if that’s what the poem was saying, I’ve forgotten
Now, when I say this poem, I don’t know if I am saying this poem,
because what the poem was saying, I’ve forgotten
That’s why what this poem is saying is no longer really what the poem was saying
and that I’ve forgotten
Trang trong tổng số 1 trang (1 bài trả lời)