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Ngôn ngữ: Chưa xác định
Gửi bởi hảo liễu ngày 11/11/2017 01:01
Leprosy (tiếng Anh)
Poetry is very much like leprosy
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
And the poets in leprosarium
go on living
one with another,
inspecting the sores
of one another.
Ngôn ngữ: Chưa xác định
Gửi bởi hảo liễu ngày 10/11/2017 06:16
The artificial paradises (tiếng Anh)
In my country there’s no land, there are streets;
Even the hills are tall buildings
With far higher rents.
In my country there are no trees and flowers.
The flowers, so scarce, change in the gardens every month,
And Town Hall has very specialised machines to uproot trees.
The singing of birds – there is no singing,
But only canaries on the 3rd floor and parrots on the 5th.
And the music of the wind is cold in the slums.
In my country, however, there are no slums,
Which are all in Persia and China,
Or in ineffable countries.
My country is not ineffable.
It’s life in my country that is ineffable.
Ineffable is what cannot be said.
Trang trong tổng số 1 trang (2 bài trả lời)