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Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
Thời kỳ: Hiện đại

Đăng bởi Phan Quốc Vũ vào 09/10/2016 18:47, đã sửa 1 lần, lần cuối bởi Admin vào 10/10/2016 22:03

Think about the poetic rhymes

I wouldn’t like to improvise poems
But I was a poet
According to my idea
Especially, the hearts have a beating-rhythm
They will feel great sympathy for the composer
In the experiences of the composer
From the life at the present or in the past
(Even though, it happened in the past or now).

Nguồn: Think about the poetic rhymes, NXB Thanh niên, 2000