Thơ » Việt Nam » Hiện đại » Hàn Quốc Vũ » Think about the poetic rhymes (2000)
Đăng bởi Phan Quốc Vũ vào 10/10/2016 18:39, đã sửa 2 lần, lần cuối bởi Admin vào 11/10/2016 22:04
About you, dear Vietnamese,
Your countryside is very poor
No one can escape a backward country
With love, and we will increase more
We are ready to war because of motherland
Gaining peace and prosperity
Let’s use the mind to change the zodiac
Don’t waste a talented man!
No, knowledge can’t become a great work
We are still poor, still selfish
Then, personal and jealous
Trying with all our abilities which we have got.