Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh
Thời kỳ: Hiện đại

Đăng bởi Phan Quốc Vũ vào 07/07/2023 16:56, đã sửa 1 lần, lần cuối bởi Phan Quốc Vũ vào 10/07/2023 09:29

Sonnet 11

Mellifluous spring days, you were beauty
Spending of all the love heritage year
To now, many cold love leaves, it’s lengthy
An bare tree that stands waiting for whom here?

You have blamed me poor and worthless with start
Surely, you had the right to refuse bees
Nor I not a bee, but a loyal heart
Send me the luminary moon that sees

You had chased away an honest world love
Instead, it was those were the happy days
Not novaturient, the lies in full fire stove
That bitter fruit weaving, but no one pays

What serendipity in your cold life?
Have you ever seen true love of poet’s wife?

In Tien Giang province, 2023